WEBSITE Development

Chicago Webtech designs in a way to make is easy for anyone that can use a basic text editor to have the ability to add new features, write updated content to a blog or newsletter. This gives the team at the theme park more control of the aspects of the website and being able to make changes on the fly.


SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a set of technical processes that send your website to the top ranking positions in the search engines, ie – Google, Yahoo and Bing. SEO is an essential practice that must be utilized online, so that your theme park can get visitors to the gates.


Pay Per Click or PPC enables your theme park the ability to target thousands of potential visitors on the internet. PPC allows you to customize the reach and touches that you make. You will be able to cater your advertisements to geographical audiences and see in real time, how many people are viewing your advertisements and how many are taking action. From the visitors that take action you are able to track how many of these visitors followed through to purchase tickets.


Social media is the interactions between groups, couples, organizations and whole networks conducted online. Places you see the most interaction is on sites like Facebook and twitter. The amount of information being distributed inside of these is too grand to not be included in.

Graphic Design

Chicago Webtech graphic team has developed all aspects of graphic design from brochure design to banner design. Utilizing color theory to know what color schemes will get people’s attention and get them to take action on the theme park website or click through on a banner.

iPhone Apps

Over 60% of the US population currently is using some form of smart phone. We want to be able to have the ability to get in front of that market. We do this through making the theme park website accessible in a mobile website and through developing applications developed for your specific theme park.